This app allows you to create a 3D printable key from just a picture. Just take a picture, fill in the settings required and click Go. Once the key is finished in can be opened with openscad and sent to a 3d printer.
By downloading this app you agree to use this product lawfully, with no intent of buglary or for use on any lock other than a lock owned by you.
Please check your country or state laws before downloading.
Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat 3D dicetak kunci dari hanya gambar. Hanya mengambil gambar, mengisi pengaturan yang diperlukan dan klik Go. Setelah kunci selesai di dapat dibuka dengan openscad dan dikirim ke printer 3d.
Dengan men-download aplikasi ini, Anda setuju untuk menggunakan produk ini secara sah, tanpa maksud buglary atau untuk digunakan pada setiap mengunci selain kunci milik Anda.
Silakan periksa hukum negara atau negara Anda sebelum men-download.
This app allows you to create a 3D printable key from just a picture. Just take a picture, fill in the settings required and click Go. Once the key is finished in can be opened with openscad and sent to a 3d printer.
By downloading this app you agree to use this product lawfully, with no intent of buglary or for use on any lock other than a lock owned by you.
Please check your country or state laws before downloading.